Sant Attar Singh Ji
(1866 – 1927)
Baru Sahib, the land of Meditation (Tapobhoomi), is the realization of vision of Sant Attar Singh Ji, a revered Sikh saint and visionary of his time, who in the early 20th century, envisaged a centre of true education; a blend of scientific and moral education in the lap of the Himalayas. His advocacy of education for the girl-child, blending value-based education with spirituality and universal brotherhood throughout the world depicted his sense of foresightedness. Even a century back, he knew that mere scientific education would only lead to destruction, and education of the girl-child would result in the whole family getting educated. Such was his goodwill and popularity as a messenger of Universal Brotherhood and Oneness, he was personally invited by Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya to lay the foundation stone of the Banaras Hindu University on 24th December 1914.
His devout disciple Sant Teja Singh Ji, MA, LLB, Punjab and AM, Harvard, United States took upon himself the task of fulfilling the vision of his mentor. Two of his sturdy disciples Baba Iqbal Singh Ji & Dr. Khem Singh Ji were directed by Sant Teja Singh Ji to search, locate and reveal to mankind the hitherto hidden holy site where several saints, sages and Rishis were believed to have performed hard penance from time immemorial. This place had also been hallowed by the visit of Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth Sikh Guru.

Sant Teja Singh Ji
(1877 – 1965)MA, LLB, AM (Harvard)

1956, Baru Sahib, spread across 400 acres, about 50–60 km from Solan, was revealed to mankind by Sant Teja Singh Ji who with Baba Iqbal Singh Ji, Dr Khem Singh Ji and some 15-20 devotees performed Akhand Path Sahib in a mud-hut there and prophesied, “Just as a tiny banyan seed grows into a huge tree, in the same way this place will develop into a great center of spiritual education where high quality scientific education will also be imparted. In due course, roads will be built and all those whose hearts are brimful of love for Guru Nanak and who have toiled to accumulate spiritual capital from the previous births, will be drawn to this place”.

Sant Teja Singh Ji entrusted the responsibility of managing and developing the activities at Baru Sahib to Baba Iqbal Singh Ji. By 1975-82, the mud-hut housing the Gurdwara was expanded and six rooms were constructed followed by the construction of the cement and brick Gurdwara and Ashram. In 1986, Baba Iqbal Singh, an Agricultural Scientist, after retirement from his career launched 1 Akal Academy under the umbrella of The Kalgidhar Trust, Baru Sahib, with hardly 5 students, which today are dotted with 129 schools (Akal Academies) across the rural belts of Uttar Pradesh, Haryana and Rajasthan, and the backward hilly areas of Himachal Pradesh and Punjab imparting modern, value-based education to around 70,000 on board students, mostly from the deprived sections of society, irrespective of caste, creed, region, religion and social status.

6 Teachers Training Centres to empower 2000 Rural Girls

3 Universities
42 Colleges

3 De-addiction

1 Hospital
with 280 beds

1 Orphanage

1 Old Age

1 Rehabilitation Centre
for Distressed Women


Baba Iqbal Singh Ji, A specialist in Agricultural Sciences and an advocate of world peace, believed in an education model – Real Education – that enhanced mental concentration. Such a model could only fructify if children consumed healthy meals resulting in a fortified body, a peaceful mind and a pure soul. Thus, he ventured into the field of healthcare and began to look for healthy alternatives to current unhealthy food options and one of his international visits helped him make the connection between a healthy diet, Omega-3, and Canola oil. September 2010, marked the entry of Canola oil, with Canola Council of Canada as a guide, into India, ushering a new era of health under the brand name ‘Jivo’, establishing its first State of Art Rotary EOP Plant with a production capacity of over 1000 metric tonnes per month in Kundli, Haryana.


We intend to build 500 schools by 2025 across the Northern Part of Indian Rural Belt and then expand to the Southern Part.